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ATA2021: Save the Date and Call for Participation is Open!

ATA, the unbiased and credible industry voice on the use of telehealth, will hold its ATA2021 Annual Conference & Expo virtually each Tuesday and Thursday in June 2021. Telehealth Tuesdays and Thursdays will tackle what’s next for telehealth — where the market is headed, federal and state policy priorities, and what it will take to achieve permanent and widespread adoption of telehealth for all individuals, including underserved populations and our most vulnerable patients.

This year’s theme, Telehealth: Enabling Flexible, Inclusive and Contemporary Care Delivery, will build upon the lessons learned, identify the challenges and opportunities of today’s new realities, and convene the individuals, organizations, and decision-makers to cement the gains made to establish telehealth as a care modality in a modernized healthcare system.

The program will showcase a mix of practical applications of telehealth – from preventative and primary care to behavioral health and other areas of specialty care — and hands-on workshops, mixed with luminary vision of important next steps for telehealth’s future.

Speakers will include those who are setting the tempo for disrupting healthcare, redesigning the patient experience, and leveraging technology to achieve healthcare equality. Attendees will be engaged in the discussion, debate, and decision-making as ATA2021 tackles the toughest challenges and reveals the latest strategies to design the right technologies, implement the best practices and improve patient and provider experiences and clinical outcomes.

Call for Participation

ATA2021 will showcase best practices and practical applications of virtual care technologies, as well as forward-thinking ideas, innovative approaches to solving healthcare challenges, and inspiring speakers. The program team is accepting recommendations in the following areas:

  • Speaker Nominations and Session Topics: General Program – The ATA2021 program is being curated by a select Advisory Committee, together with the program team, and are accepting recommendations for session topics including real-world applications, best practices, and the practical insights and learnings that will help advance telehealth implementation; as well as nominations for forward-thinking, innovative speakers (see Content Pillars below for areas of focus). Submit proposal for General Program.
  • Research Presentations and Poster Session Abstracts: Research Track (Facts, Figures & Future) – This dedicated program track will focus on the data, evidence, and case studies driving innovation and building the foundation that will reshape the practice of healthcare. Submissions from clinicians, researchers, and innovators who are moving ideas to implementation are welcome. Submit proposal for Research Track.
ATA2021 Content Pillars

The COVID-19 public health emergency has proven that the future of care must include a hybrid system of in-person and virtual care that puts the patient first and delivers a quality experience to individuals wherever and whenever they need it. We have seen how emerging technologies – from remote monitoring and asynchronous interactions to artificial intelligence and chatbots – can change the course of healthcare. We have been humbled, we have been resilient and resourceful, and we have learned how to effectively deliver quality care to more people, achieving better results and greater satisfaction. There’s no turning back.

  • The New Modality – Implementing telehealth, best practices, nuts and bolts; lessons learned in COVID; telehealth education, curriculum and special skills; international perspectives; digital transformation; the future of telehealth and using telehealth as a modality across service lines; the role of nurses and allied health professionals; healthy aging
  • For Every Population – Consumerization of healthcare and reimagining the patient experience; diversity, disparities and inequities in healthcare, underserved populations, social determinants – how telehealth can bridge the gaps; virtual medical practices, digital-first; digital therapeutics; asynchronous tools
  • Quality, Safe, Convenient Care – Improving health and wellness; behavioral health, pediatrics and other areas of specialty care; remote monitoring; preventative and primary care
  • Cementing the Gains – Policy & Regulatory initiatives (state & federal); business models; investing in telehealth; reimbursement and value-based care; licensing landscape
  • Doing More Good for More People – AI and new technologies; improving productivity; chatbots; telehealth’s role in pre-screening and triaging patients; new and emerging applications for telehealth; security, privacy, and cybersecurity; interoperability and data flow
  • Facts, Figures, and the Future – Research and data drivers; understanding the impact of telehealth during and after the public health emergency; digital clinical trials

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The deadline for all submissions is February 26, 2021.

Please contact DeAnna Grosbaum, Director of Events, ATA, with any questions.

Join us at ATA2021 – Telehealth Tuesdays & Thursdays, Details coming soon! Questions:

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