From Now What? to How To!
The Vision and Realities of Telehealth Adoption
March 4-6, 2023
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
San Antonio, Texas
Don’t miss the only event solely focused on telehealth and virtual care.
Ready or not, the next phase of healthcare delivery is knocking on our door. Are you ready?
Telemedicine is the Prescription for What Ails Rural Healthcare
By Chris Gallagher, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Access TeleCare

Plan ahead for a jam-packed agenda
and hit the ground running on
Saturday, March 4.
Join like-minded and motivated stakeholders and decision-makers at ATA2023 to talk telehealth. This is not a healthcare conference dabbling in virtual care. ATA2023 is the telehealth conference that puts telehealth in its place – within a hybrid care delivery model.
At ATA2023, discover and learn from industry-leading speakers, innovators and front-line providers focused on creating the right systems, providing the right training and developing the right tools to entrench telehealth – once and for all – in our healthcare lexicon.
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