Conference Tracks

This year’s theme, Telehealth: Enabling Flexible, Inclusive and Contemporary Care Delivery, will build upon the lessons learned, identify the challenges and opportunities of today’s new realities, and convene the individuals, organizations, and decision-makers to cement the gains made and the role of telehealth as a modality in a modernized healthcare system.


The COVID-19 public health emergency has proven that the future of care is a hybrid system of in-person and virtual care that puts the patient first and delivers a quality experience. We have seen how emerging technologies – from remote monitoring and asynchronous interactions to artificial intelligence and chat bots – can change the course of healthcare. We have been humbled, we have been resilient and resourceful, and we have learned how to effectively deliver quality care to more people, achieving better results and greater satisfaction. There’s no turning back.

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Track Details
The New Modality

Implementing telehealth, best practices, nuts and bolts; lessons learned in COVID; investing in telehealth; telehealth education, curriculum and special skills; international perspectives; the future of telehealth and using telehealth as a modality across service lines

For Every Population

Consumerization of healthcare and reimagining the patient experience; diversity, disparities and inequities in healthcare, underserved populations, social determinants – how telehealth can bridge the gaps; virtual medical practices, digital-first; digital therapeutics; asynchronous tools

Quality, Safe, Convenient Care

Consumerization, Direct to Consumer care delivery, personalization and engagement strategies and technologies, best practices from other industries

Cementing the Gains

Policy & Regulatory (state & federal); business models/reimbursement and licensing landscape

Doing More Good for More People

Data drivers, AI and new technology; improving productivity; chatbots with the pandemic; telehealth’s role in pre-screening and triaging; emerging ways telehealth is being used; security, privacy and cybersecurity; interoperability and data flow

Facts, Figures and the Future

Research, impact of telehealth, clinical trials

Expo Events

The ATA2021 Expo will showcase the organizations that are accelerating the movement to telehealth adoption. Learn from and network with the top innovators and implementers in the digital health, virtual health, and telehealth space through demos, presentations and key expert talks.

Meet the Conference Advisory Committee

Working with Dr. Joe Kvedar, the foremost authority on virtual care and ATA President-elect, this group of luminaries are designing a dynamic program that will inspire, educate and motivate attendees.
See who is on the Committee

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