Posted On April 12, 2022
Mark Hayes
Mark Hayes is a lawyer and pharmacist with more than 25 years of federal and private sector health law and policy experience through which he has played a leading role in the development and enactment of health care policy and legislation in Washington. He served on the staff for four U.S. Senators (Grassley, Bond, Snowe and Jeffords), and served for more than seven years as Health Policy Director and Chief Health Counsel for the Senate Finance Committee Republican staff for Chairman/Ranking Member Grassley. He has also represented numerous clients at the federal level including hospital systems, managed care plans, health care corporations, pharmacies, health care trade associations, and coalitions. Through this experience, he was a leader in the policy development, legislative drafting and negotiations on the health care provisions of several major pieces of federal legislation including the Affordable Care Act, the Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug benefit provisions of the Medicare Modernization Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, the Deficit Reduction Act, and the Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
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