Posted On April 12, 2022
Bre Loughlin
With 23 years in healthcare and innovation, Bre spent the 8 years prior to launching Nurse Disrupted as a nurse executive for EHR giant Epic.
During that time she created 2 products and managed 6. She designed both the LDA avatar (visual based documentation) and the Precision Staffing module (nurse staffing strategies). She was product manager for Rover (mobile app for nursing documentation), Wound, Behavioral Health, Long Term Care, and Case Management, as well as the Precision Staffing module
Her role at Epic also included helping health organizations with optimizing their overall Health Information Technology (HIT) strategies, a service Nurse Disrupted continues to offer.
Her design principles are simplicity, connectivity, and value.
Bre built The Care Station. She’s been a clinician for 22 years, and ensures solutions work as designed. Mixing compassion, technology, creativity, care delivery, and vision in order to focus on light, fast, solution-based technologies addressing healthcare needs.
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